SCIG privacy notice

This Privacy Notice explains what personal data is collected by the specific service you are requesting, for what purposes, how it is processed, and how we keep it secure. Note that this service, depending on use, might collect personal data directly provided by the user.

1. Who controls your personal data and how to contact us?

The data controller's contact details are the following and should be used only for data protection queries: Fynn-Guo, Ph.D. student in You Lab Email:

2. Which is the lawful basis for processing personal data?

Processing your limited personal data (IP address and browser type) is necessary for our legitimate interests in providing services to you, to help improve our resources and for the purposes of day-to-day running of the SCIG resource and underlying infrastructure. We need your consent to process your extended personal data, including your name, email address and affiliation. If you do not consent to us processing your personal data, we will not be able to provide you access to the service or we will only provide you a subset of functionalities available within the service.

3. What personal data is collected from users of the service? How do we use this personal data?

The personal data collected from the services listed below is as follows:

Website and API

Annotate form

We will use the personal data to:

4. Who will have access to your personal data?

Personal data will only be disclosed to authorized staff at the institution that maintains the SCIG server (see section 1).

5. Will your personal data be transferred to third countries (i.e. countries not part of EU/EAA) and/or international organisations?

There are no personal data transfers to international organisations. SCIG uses Google Analytics as a third-party analytics service to collect information about website performance and how users navigate through and use our sites to help us design better interfaces. We do not use Google Analytics to track you individually or collect personal data.

6. How long do we keep your personal data?

Any personal data directly obtained from you will be retained as long as the service is live, even if you stop using the service. We will keep the personal data for the minimum amount of time possible to ensure legal compliance and to facilitate internal and external audits if they arise.

7. Your rights regarding your personal data

You have the right to:
  1. Not be subject to decisions based solely on an automated processing of data (i.e. without human intervention) without you having your views taken into consideration.
  2. Request at reasonable intervals and without excessive delay or expense, information about the personal data processed about you. Under your request we will inform you in writing about, for example, the origin of the personal data or the preservation period.
  3. Request information to understand data processing activities when the results of these activities are applied to you.
  4. Object at any time to the processing of your personal data unless we can demonstrate that we have legitimate reasons to process your personal data.
  5. Request free of charge and without excessive delay rectification or erasure of your personal data if we have not been processing it respecting the data protection policies of the respective controllers.
Requests and objections can be sent to ( It must be clarified that rights 4 and 5 are only available whenever the processing of your personal data is not necessary to: Published at: 20 March 2022
Institute of Systems Biomedicine, Peking University, Beijing, 100191, China.
Copyright © 2022 Xuefei Guo in You Lab. All Rights Reserved.