

Upload a gene expression file (support csv,txt,xls,xlsx)

Upload a sample metadata file (support csv,txt,xls,xlsx, optional)

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Omics-Plotting includes various of popular data visualization function modules for omics data, and each module follows same design priciple so as to let users use easily. Omics-Plotting supports mutiple common inputfile formats including csv,txt(tab-separated),xls,xlsx, and mutiple common figure formats including pdf,png,jpeg,tiff can be easily downloaded. Here, let's take heatmap as an example to demonstrate the abilities of Omics-Plotting. First of all, we need to click <heatmap> module on the left panel of Omics-Plotting.Then we can see a parameters settings panel on the right of Omics-Plotting.

Before upload a file, we need to click <view example file> button and view content style.

Subsequently,we can prepare our own file via Excel software according to reference example file. The prepared file can be saved as one of four formats(csv,txt,xls,xlsx).

Then upload the file by clicking <Browse...> button. When the upload flow is complete, the figure is automaticly made.

Usually, we possiably want to add a group annotation bar on the figure.Thus, we can upload another sample metadata file.

Moreover,we provided mutiple popular color presets selections and other necessary cutomization settings,users can freely test these settings.Finally,we prodvied mutiple popular figure formats for users to download.

Contact Us

Omics-Plotting is a easy-to-use visualization analysis tool for omics data. It provides 15 popular visualization analysis modules, including heatmap, volcano plots, MA plots, network plots, dot plots, chord plots, pie plots, four quadrant diagrams, venn diagrams, cumulative distribution curves, PCA, survival analysis, ROC analysis, correlation analysis and text cluster analysis. This enables experimental biologists without programming skills to easily perform visualization analysis and get publication-ready plots in shorter time.In the future, we will continue to integrate popular visualization analysis methods into Omics-Plotting, and provide more easy-to-use modules to research community, accelerating the pace of scientific research in cloud era.

If you have any problem while using Omics-Plotting, pleast feel free to contact us (databio@163.com).



1. Omics-Plotting limits file uploads to 5MB per file.

2. When we save file as csv format in Mircosoft Excel,please do not select csv UTF-8 format.

3. When clicking [run example] button, the generated figure can only be viewed instead of being downloaded.

4. When clicking [view example file] button, example file only show part data for demonstrating the format of input file.

5. The downloaded PDF figures can be easily edited using Adobe Illustrator or Adobe Acrobat software.

Venn Diagram


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

Volcano Plot


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

Text Cluster


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

Dot Plot


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

Dot Plot


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

Scatter Plot


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

Regression Line



Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

Pie Plot


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

Cumulative Distribution Curves


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

Log2 transformation

Survival Curves


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

ROC Curves


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

MA plot


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

Four Quadrant Diagrams


Upload a csv file(also supprot txt,xls,xlsx)

PCA Analysis


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

Upload a sample metadata file(support csv,txt,xls,xlsx)

Highlight Clusters

Network Plot


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)

GOplot(chord plot)


Upload a csv file(also support txt,xls,xlsx)