Welcome to MOI!

"MOI": a comprehensive database of Multi-Omics upon Viruses Infection.

MOI provides a large number of available multi-omics data opon various viral infection. In detail, MOI manually collected and analysed available high-throughput sequencing data opon viruses treatments, such as bulk RNA-seq, scRNA-seq, ATAC-seq and ChIP-seq, to get the cell markers, gene expression profiles and epigenetic landscapes information for human and mouse cells. The viruses mainly include VSV, HSV, IAV, MHV, NDV, SeV, EMCV, MERS, SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2.
Besides, MOI provides a suite of on-line tools to help researchers to analyze and visualize their data conviniently, which contain FPKM calculator, DEGs detection, gene funcion report, GO & KEGG annotaion and enrichment analysis, and a plotting-tools named "MOI:Omics-Plotting". Users could plot various kinds of common figures in muilti-omics, including heatmap, MA plot, volcano plot, dot plot, pie plot, violin plot, PCA plot, cluster plot and network plot... We sincerely hope MOI could save the time of researchers and promote their research associated with innate immune using multi-omics as general tools.


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You can start searching the database not only through entering keywords in the Marker-Expression-TFs nav item, but also browing the available entries by clicking the "Search" on the top right corner.

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Conduct some analyses

You can also do some analyses by this website, which include the calculation of FPKM, the detection for DEGs, GO annotation and KEGG enrichment analysis, DNA sequence convertor and online visualizing tools.

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Version 1.1.0 Upgraded MOI with new tools and improved interface on March 21, 2022.

Version 1.0.0 MOI First release on 12-17-2021. Data samples from NCBI GEO database up to December 2021. Total 1578 RNA-seq, 787 scRNA-seq, 484 ATAC-seq and 285 ChIP-seq data samples were collected and analyzed.


Institute of Systems Biomedicine, Peking University, Beijing, 100191, China.
Copyright © 2022 Xuefei Guo in You Lab. All Rights Reserved.